The Energy Science Center (ESC), competence center of ETH Zurich for energy research and education, held its annual energy conference, the “Energy Week @ ETH” for the seventh time on December 2023. The event series offered a wide range of activities: a Symposium, Design-Thinking Workshops for students and Focus Dialogues. Additionally, this year’s Energy Week @ ETH served as platform for the following two partner events: the DemoUpCARMA Closing Event and the Energy Data Summit.


Monday: Symposium

4 December 2023, ETH main building

The symposium took place in the Audimax in ETH’s main building. It has been simultaneously translated into German and English. Dr. Benedikt Knüsel moderated the event.


The presentations are directly linked in the titles below.

13.35 h

14.00 h

6.4 million cars in Switzerland. In the future, too? (Video Recording)

Martin Everts, Managing Director, AMAG Energy & Mobility

14.10 h

Electric cars and public transport, the perfect match? (Video Recording)

Marionna Lutz, Head of Section Planning, Infrastructure Division, Federal Office of Transport (FOT)

14.20 h

Discussion and Q&A

14.40 h

Buildings as part of the energy system (Video Recording)

Prof. Dr. Arno Schlüter, Architecture and Building Systems, ETH Zurich

15.10 h

Discussion and Q&A

15.30 h


16.00 h

16.30 h

Discussion and Q&A

17.10 h

Christoph Brand, CEO Axpo Group

17.20 h

Discussion and Q&A

17.40 h

Final words

Dr. Christian Schaffner, Executive Director, Energy Science Center, ETH Zurich

17.45 h


19.15 h

End of symposium

Tuesday: Energy Sprint

5 December 2023, ETH Zurich


What is the Energy Sprint?

During the Energy Sprint, participants explored the not-yet-solved problems on a path towards a more sustainable energy system. They have been guided through a Design Thinking Process to come up with creative ideas and a concept to tackle the challenges ahead of us all.

Our energy experts from industry and research provided the participants with insights into the current challenges of the innovation fields in the energy sector: electricity supply + policy, mobility, built environment, storage + grids.

The mix of people from different backgrounds, the opportunity to be creative or even a little bit crazy and the relevance of the topic turned this event into an unique experience. In only one day,  students understood an industry challenge, formed teams, defined a relevant problem and upon this developped, prototyped and pitched a solution.


Who was participating?

The Energy Sprint is an event that is aimed at Masters and Doctoral students. The selection of the participants was very competitive and has been made by an expert jury. The Energy Sprint was performed in English.


What were the prizes for the best pitches?

In addition to the gained experience and the support you received from the facilitators and the energy experts during the day, the winning team of the jury prize received CHF 3’000 in the form of the “ESC Start-Up Ticket” – provided that they participate in the Venture Kick.


08:00 h

Arrival and Welcome


Start of the Energy Sprint 2023

09:00 h

Presentation of the Challenge

10:00 h

Kick-off Design Thinking Process

12:00 h


13:00 h

Design Thinking Process

17:05 h


17:45 h

Award Ceremony and Apéro

20:15 h

The End

Wednesday: Next Generation University

6. December 2023, ETH Zurich


What is the Next Generation University about?

As part of the Energy Week @ ETH 2023, a new sub-event has been launched this year, the “Next Generation University”, which addressed to interested students (1-2 years before Swiss Matura or “Berufsmatura”). At the “Next Generation University” students worked in teams to develop creative solutions for very specific energy challenges. The focus was on the following areas: electricity supply + policy, mobility, built environment, storage + grids.
A “Challenge” was defined for each topic, and the solution process has been accompanied during the day by energy experts and a professional design thinking team. The teams were interdisciplinary and focuses in particular on the development of creative solutions.


Who could participate?

Enthusiastic students (entire classes are welcome as well), especially two years prior to the Matura.


Was there a prize to be won?

The winners of the best solution of the day goz the chance for a coaching session (duration of three hours ) from ETH energy experts for their Matura thesis.



Registration for entire classes is not possible any more. Individual students interested in energy in the last two school years before the Matura can gain information aboit the event via


08:00 h

Arrival and Breakfast

08:30 h

Start of the Next Generation University


Presentation of the Challenge

09:00 h

Intro Design Thinking

09:20 h

Kick-off Design Thinking Process

12:00 h


13:00 h

Design Thinking Process II

14:45 h

Pitches & Award Ceremony

15:30 h

Transfer High Voltage Lab

16:00 h

Intro High Voltage Lab

Wednesday: DemoUpCARMA Closing Event

6 December 2023, ETH Zurich

Specific solutions for CO2 management – Lessons learned from the DemoUpCARMA research project

At this half-day event, the main findings of the pilot project DemoUpCARMA were presented. It investigated the implementation and scale-up of two pathways leading to negative emissions: CO2 utilization and permanent storage in concrete in Switzerland using a novel technology and CO2 transport and permanent storage in a geological reservoir abroad.

The event has been held in English and was part of a collaboration between the Energy Science Center and the DemoUpCARMA management team.

13:00 h

Welcome & introduction

Prof. Marco Mazzotti, Dr. Viola Becattini, Projektleitung DemoUpCARMA


DemoUpCARMA and Switzerland‘s climate strategy

Dr. Sophie Wenger, Federal Office for the Environment

13:20 h

Pilot and demonstration activities

CO2 storage in recycling concrete

Dr. Johannes Tiefenthaler, Neustark AG


CO2 cross-border transport and permanent storage in the underground

David Shu, ETH Zurich


Discussion and Q & A moderated by

Dr. Viola Becattini, ETH Zurich

13:50 h

Zoom-in: the science and technology

Carbonation of recycled concrete aggregates and its implications on recycling concrete

Dr. Andreas Leemann, Dr. Frank Winnefeld, Empa


CO2 storage via in-situ mineralization

Dr. Sandra Ósk Snæbjörnsdóttir, Carbfix


Monitoring of CO2 injection and storage in the underground

Prof. Stefan Wiemer, Project Manager DemoUpStorage, SED

14:30 h


15:30 h


Systemic aspects

Life cycle assessment and system analysis of CO2 capture, transport and storage technologies

Prof. André Bardow, ETH Zurich


CO2 capture integration in waste-to-energy plants: case study for the city of Zurich

Tuvshinjargal Otgonbayar, ETH Zurich


Perception of CO2 management solutions in Switzerland

Dr. Irina Dallo, ETH Zurich, Dr. Samuel Eberenz, The Risk Dialogue Foundation


The role of carbon markets

Dr. Matthias Honegger, Perspectives Climate Group


CO2  transport modes and infrastructure financing

Katrin Sievert, ETH Zurich

16:30 h

Panel discussion

The future of CO2 management

Dr. Viola Becattini (ETH Zurich), Dr. Sophie Wenger (FOEN), René Estermann (Environmental and health protection Zurich), Mario Davidi (Waste management and recycling, ERZ), moderated by Dr. Benedikt Knüsel (ETH Zurich)

17:15 h



Thursday + Friday: Focus Dialogues

7 -8 December 2023, online (Zoom)

The Focus Dialogues took place online and were basically held in German.

Thursday, 7 December 2023

16:00 h – 17:00 h

Mobility (Video Recording, in German)


Lucas Miehé, Sustainability and Technology (SusTec), ETH Zurich

Fabrizio Tollin, Director Brands New Car, AMAG

Roland Lötscher, CEO, Mobility Carsharing

Maximilian Philippi, Product Manager,

Moderation: Dr. Jonas Savelsberg, Energy Science Center, ETH Zurich

Thursday, 7 December 2023

17:00 h – 18:00 h

Electricity Supply + Policy (Video Recording, in German)


Kaja Hollstein, Senior Managerin, Swissgrid

Dr. Anselma Wörner, Co-founder & COO, Exnaton

Prof. Dr. Giovanni Sansavini, Reliability and Risk Engineering, ETH Zurich

Moderation: Dr. Jonas Savelsberg, Energy Science Center, ETH Zurich

Friday, 8 December 2023

16:00 h – 17:00 h

Built Environment (Video Recording, in German)


Silvia Banfi, Energy Commissioner, City of  Zurich

Johannes Tiefenthaler, Founder and Co-CEO, Neustark

Dr. Danielle Griego, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, ETH Zurich

Moderation: Lea Fonseca, Energy Science Center, ETH Zurich

Friday, 8 December 2023

17:00 h – 18:00 h

Storage + Grids (Video Recording, in German)


Prof. Dr. Gabriela Hug, Power Systems & High Voltage Technology, ETH Zurich

Christoph Rahm, Grid Services Leader Europe, GE Renewable Energy

Michael Auer, Head of New Grid Solutions, ewz Netze

Moderation: Dr. Gianfranco Guidati, Energy Science Center, ETH Zurich

Thursday: Energy Now! 2.0 Finale Night

7 December 2023, ewz Oerlikon

The Energy Now! 2.0 Finale Night was co-organised by GreenBuzz Zurich and the Energy Science Center and hosted by ewz.

Energy Now! 2.0 was kindly supported by David Wallerstein.

Are you curious about the future of the energy transition? Eager to witness creative solutions? Energy Now! 2.0 is an Impact Accelerator from ETH Zurich that has been empowering student groups to immerse themselves in these real-world energy challenges. The students have been crafting innovative solutions under the guidance of mentors from leading industry partners such as Swissgrid, BKW, vbz, Siemens, Ahoy-Hoy, ShareP Tiko and ewz.

Come listen to what they’ve come up with and vote for your favorite solution!

Friday: Energy Data Summit

8 December 2023, ETH Main Building The Energy Data Summit has been hold in English and German This event was part of a cooperation with the Energy Data Innovation Hub.


Dr. Adriana Marcucci, Energy Science Center, ETH Zurich

Matthias Eifert, Thermal Energy Storage, HSLU

08.50 h

Energiedaten als Treiber der Innovation im Energiesektor

Matthias Galus, Head Geoinformation & Digital Innovation, Swiss Federal Office of Energy

09.10 h

Input – Speeches


Why is reliable energy data so important for research? Prof. Dr. Philipp Schütz, CC Thermal Energy Storage, HSLU

Energie- und Klimadatenplattform des Kantons Bern. Nicolas Lanz, Projektleiter Energieversorgung Kanton Bern 

Digitalisierung bei EVU. Umsetzung der Digitalisierungsstrategie. Arne Kähler, CEO EW Höfe AG

– Solarify Digital Energy Hub. Raimund Neubauer, Co-Owner Solarify AG

– Swiss Energy Charts. Thomas Nordmann, CEO TNC Consulting AG

10.00 h

World café

Informal Discussion with panelists, coffee break

11.00 h

Panel Discussion (EN/DE)

Moderation: Gianfranco Guidati, Energy Science Center

12.00 h

Networking lunch



1. Data standards (EN). Florin Hasler, Director,

2. Regulation (DE). Cornelia Kawann, Head of Market Surveillance,

3. Sensitive Data, legal issues and security (DE). Ursula Sury, Vizedirektorin, HSLU

4. One single national platform (EN). Lucas Tochtermann, Federal Office of Energy

14.30 h


Panel Discussion

Moderator: Dr. Christian Schaffner, Executive Director, Energy Science Center, ETH Zurich


The Energy Week @ ETH 2023 is kindly supported by:
Media Partner:
energate messenger Schweiz
ETH Zurich
Energy Science Center (ESC)
Sonneggstrasse 28
8006 Zürich, Schweiz
Note about Photography

Visitors should note that audio recordings, photographs, films or video recordings of them in person may be made throughout the duration of the event or in connection with it, and they agree that such material may be used without financial compensation and/or without restrictions as to time or place.